This year's birthday month for Hensley looked A LOT different then years past.
We had planned as we always do for a big party at the trampoline park with all his friends. Invites were sent out. Food ordered and a theme and decor picked out.
Then.....the world changed. Everything shut down. Everyone stayed home. No school for a special lunch. No party. Nothing.
It was definitely different situation but we were determined to make the best of it.
Unfortunately, Hensley's birthday fell at the very beginning of the height of the coronovirus. We were shut down in our state under a stay at home order like most of the rest of the country.
Even getting a birthday cake made and going to get presents and decorations was either impossible or very dangerous at the moment. We were going out only for the necessities and even for those we were ordering them online or doing curb side pick up. The grocery stores and others that were even allowed to be open were running with empty shelves. It was a scary time. But, birthdays are important and we could figure out a way to keep it special.
It was a Tuesday so Andy had to work and my mom was out of town so it was really just Hensley and I. No way to go bowling or see a movie or anything. I wanted him to wake up and feel celebrated because he was already down about everything being cancelled.
We used what we had. Balloons, streamers and banners from last year. I just used them in a whole new way and it really seemed to work. He woke up so very happy!!!
Hensley didn't ask for much for his birthday but in true Hensley fashion, what he did want was expensive. Luckily I had ordered them before things got bad so everything came in the mail on time!
He had asked for his drawing pad since Christmas. I had told him I didn't think he would use it and if he still wanted it come his birthday I would make sure he had it. And, he did!
He also really wanted a new pair of shoes, which were so hard to find, of course.
He dove right in testing it out!
We hung out at home, played video games and practiced on the drawing pad.
For dinner we had Hensley's favorite, Chic-Fil-A and MawMaw came up to celebrate with us.
Daddy even came home with an XBOX gift card as a surprise for Hensley. He felt bad he was at work all day.
There is no cake in the world Hensley loves more then his own recipe of "One Bowl Chocolate Cake" and homemade frosting. So I made that for him and covered it in tons of sparkler candles.
Granny popped on Facetime for the singing and blowing out of the candles. Of course in true Granny fashion she cried because she was so far away but Hensley made her laugh with a little show of the gift she had got him. He wanted a Jeffy puppet so bad and she ordered it back when we were in Florida and good thing she did because it took over a month to show up, but it showed up right on time!!! He loved it!!
We made the best of a not ideal situation this year. We promised to go BIG next year! I know he felt loves and celebrated and that is all that matters. We love you sweet boy!
Happy 11th birthday!!!!

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