We took a very unexpected trip this month! My parents are currently in Florida because my dad is there working. They are really loving it! I never expected them to invite us to come down for Hensley's February school academic break. We had hoped to come during the summer but we couldn't pass up the invite (or the super cheap flights through Spirit)!
Hensley and I have never been on an airplane and honestly we were both a little nervous. Andy couldn't go with us sadly because he has to work and it was really a trip we could only take during the week based on the schools break. So we decided to go!! My mom was planning to fly back home with us after the trip but it was just him and I on the way down there.
Someone had to have a neck pillow even though with all these jitters and the flight being 40 minutes long, he knew he wasn't taking a nap!!
Ready to board!!!!
Waiting on the runway.
We tried keep our mind busy and keep the anxiety away by setting up our space. Getting our headphones out, picking out movie and Hensley found it fun to look under the seat and in every pocket of the seat in front of him to see all the instructions.
It was definitely a little nerve wracking taking off, and it didn't help that the lady sitting beside us seemed just as nervous as us with her head buried in a blanket during take off (and the whole flight). But, we made it! It was breathtaking and something I am so incredibly thankful Hensley got to experience.
I know that flying is very common and most have done it dozens of times but to experience it for the first time with my sweet boy, who was amazed by every part of it, was really special. The flight attendants played a game at the end of the flight to win prizes and Hensley won 1000 air miles for our next trip!!!
We left Greensboro around 2 pm that day so once we arrived and deboarded it was close to 4 and time for dinner and a good time!!!
Hensley has wanted to go to Dave and Busters for a while now and there isn't one near us at home. However, there was one near the airport :)
Hensley had a blast showing Granny and PawPaw all about the games there and how to play.
Let's just say that Hensley and Granny definitely bonded over the fact that they love a good game where you can win big!
My parents were staying at an RV park in Orlando with their camper since they were there for months. It was super nice and we were excited to stay in the new camper.
Day 2
Day 2 sadly meant my dad had to work. He actually had to work everyday we were there since it was during the week but we loved spending the evenings with him. On this day we decided to take a little road trip to Daytona Beach. It was about 45 minutes from Orlando so it was too far for a day trip.
You know how there are those days in your life or moments in time you will just always remember...this was one of those days. The ride down especially. We laughed until we cried and had the BEST time. It will forever be one of my greatest memories.
Don't let these cute seagulls fool you....when we headed to the hotdog stand to buy lunch they decided to rob us blind of our snacks!
We spent the morning and lunch on the beach. Playing ball and hanging out. The water was FREEZING! The coldest water ever!!! So after lunch we headed out to explore the boardwalk.
Hensley has seen these electric scooters all over even back at home and really wanted to ride one. The boardwalk was pretty quiet since it was off season so we decided to let him hop on.
Is it even a beach trip if you don't get a hermit crab?
This kid was in heaven!
Day 3
I was getting up each morning to take my dad to work because he kindly let us use his truck each day to go have fun so we didn't have to rent a car. One of the great things about this was seeing all the lights from Disney. We didn't visit Disney this time since Andy wasn't able to come but we plan on it very soon!
Hensley and I headed out for an early breakfast on our last full day. We found ourselves in this really nice neighborhood and it was really awesome to see all the palm trees!
Since this was out last full day we headed to an area of town that had tons of stuff to do. Hensley had really wanted to do two things: play putt putt and eat crab legs. So off we went to make that happen.
See that really large Ferris wheel in the background? We had plans to go up in that one night but just never had time. So we decided to try it out after putt putt this day. However, once we drove over and saw just how high up it really was....we chickened out!
The competition between these two was intense.
This putt putt was really a beautiful course. Very well kept and full of waterfalls and cool caves.
My beautiful Mother!
It was so fun and a beautiful day but it was the most humid any of us had ever experienced. It was time to cool off!
No better place for crab legs then Joe's Crab Shack.
Only my mother!
They have a "special" relationship!
Success!!! Eat up!
Day 4
Time to head home! It was a quick trip but so fun. It is always a good time traveling with my mom. She makes it all fun!
This is the giant hotel my dad is working on in Florida. It is a beautiful place and really growing!

Now, to be honest, with this being in late February, Coronavirus wasn't really on our radar. At this time it was really just in other countries and even though it was in the news that it was here in the US, it was only in Washington state and was really being reported that it wasn't going to be a big threat for us. Looking back and seeing that this was the Orlando airport the day we were coming home, it was all foreshadowing of what was to come. Everyone was traveling and not one person was worried about distancing and wearing masks. I feel like we really dodged a bullet with traveling because the very next week the virus started to spread like wild fire. One of the biggest places was Orlando, Florida and there was even a report of someone coming from there to our city via the same two airports the same week we flew. I am so very thankful we didn't get sick and really shocked to see how quickly things can change for all of us.

Our travel day down to Florida was very easy and calm. Our trip back however was not. The airport was PACKED and our gate changed THREE times while we were waiting. Our flight was also delayed several times. But, we kept a positive attitude! My mom had paid a littler extra for her seat on the plane because she wanted to be in first class to sit up front and have more room. Hensley and I had not and knew we would be sitting separate from her on the ride back. While waiting to board at the last gate they called Hensley's name over the loud speaker to come to the ticket counter. We were all a little confused and I just assumed he has left his phone or something that had been turned in.
Once we visited the ticket counter we were in for a nice surprise. We had been sat on the emergency row for the ride home and since Hensley is a minor, he wasn't allowed to sit on that row. We were upgraded to first class!!!!!
Sitting first class on the front row with all the snack and leg room he could ever need, Hensley felt like a king!
It was quite a bumpy ride home as well with lots of turbulence but we made it!!!
This is trip was one for the books! One we will never forget! Can't wait to see where we are off to next.