Friday, November 30, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

Thanksgiving 2018. 
Stress free. 
Great food. 

This year for Thanksgiving we went to my mom and dad's. I am so glad we did. We have had Thanksgiving at our house every year since Hensley was born and I was excited to have a break from all the cooking and cleaning and prep. My parents bought a beautiful home last Christmas and it was exciting for them to host their first Thanksgiving there. 

All my family came up to celebrate. We don't all see each other often through out the year so it's nice at the holidays to catch up. 

My mom cooked a ton of food! Along with the food I brought and my Uncle Johnny....we had a feast!!!!

Leave it to Hensley to have the best table manners! 

 The food was amazing but then it was time to work it off! Hensley was excited to play some basketball!

A few games of horse and it was time for a new Thanksgiving day shooting!

Everyone enjoyed this! Brooke (my niece) had never shot a gun before. Between Andy and my stepdad there were several types of guns for everyone to take a turn with. They shot targets and cans in the woods. Hensley did amazing. It was so fun to watch everyone get in on the fun!

It was a great day with our family but we were so happy to be home that evening spending time with the pups and each other!!

I am so thankful for these two. They are my favorite people in the whole world and my whole heart. I love them on a level I didn't even know was possible earlier in life.


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