Somehow in this fast paced world, my little boy turned 8 years old!!!!'re killing me over here.
We filled his room with balloons and streamers after he fell asleep.
Waking up as a 8 year old!!!!
He wanted a Fitbit so bad!!!
On Henlsey's actual birthday he had school so we did a little celebration there. Hensley got to chose a friend to bring home with him to spend the night and go out to a special dinner and some fun!
He chose his sweet friend Noah and even though Noah didn't feel the best, he was happy to come celebrate with us.
Hensley picked Olive Garden for dinner and of course.....the trampoline park for his fun!
Unfortunately, Noah didn't get to spend the night. He just wasn't feeling well and headed home shortly after the trampoline park. Hensley still had a blast and played trampoline dodge ball until they shut the place down!!!
The next day was his party!!! Hensley became obsessed with roller skating earlier in the school year when his school had a skate night. He has loved going as much as possible since and just had to have his birthday party there this year.
We invited all his favorite people, ordered some pizzas, and made our second annual doughnut cake!!

Andy was clearly excited to get out of the house after weeks of being home bound.
The party was a blast and I took so many less photos then I normally do. But that's okay. I was in the moment. Watching Hensley skate and play games with his friends. Having a blast and happy to have his family and friends with him. I found myself smiling so much that day because I was so thankful that we were ALL there. That Andy was with us and feeling good and happy. Things could have ended so different but we were lucky and blessed and I really realized it that day!
We all went home and cuddled on the couch and hung out. It was a great day and we are so excited for year 8 with our boy!
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