And it snowed the day before Thanksgiving!! Not much but it was pretty :)
My uncle Johnny helped me a lot this year since it was my first year cooking Thanksgiving. He is an amazing cook and always has been. I like to cook but I do make a lot of things quick and easy AKA out of the box! He likes to make things from scratch and it tastes so good. So this year he decided to teach me a few things so hopefully next year I can make it on my own. He did a great job showing me that making it from scratch doesn't have to hard or take a long time. He was really a huge help to me and it's something I'll be forever be grateful and never forget.
Here he is in his garden showing Hensley how to pick carrots. I seriously thing that Hensley never even knew carrots grew out of the ground until this day! I think he thought they just magically appeared at Walmart! He was fascinated and loved every minute of it.

After much anticipation and lots of cooking the day was here! We were so happy to have my grandparents here, Uncle Brandon, my uncle Johnny and his daughter Brooke, Andy's mom and brother as well as his girlfriend, my parents and of course us!!!
This is about half of our spread there was so so so much food!
My grandpa doing what he does best!!
After all the fun and food it was time to settle in for the night...or so I thought!!! Some how I got talked into this chaos with Brandon!
Walmart on Black Friday.....BIG THUMBS DOWN! It was fun, mostly crazy, but we did get some good deals!

This Thanksgiving there was so much to be thankful for. Andy's job is going amazing and we are thankful for it each and every single day. I am so proud of him and how hard he is working. We have a beautiful warm home full of love and laughter. We are blessed with a great marriage and the cutest little boy the world has ever seen. We are all happy, healthy, and blessed to surrounded by family and good friends. There isn't much more in life we could ask for at this moment.
These lazy bums ate too much leftovers!
We did go out after the black Friday crowd had died down a little bit and scored some great deals. Andy came home with his new tablet and he is really enjoying it. It was nice to see him buy something for himself since he rarely ever does!
We continued old traditions and made some new ones this year. We laughed. We loved. We ate. We were with the people who mean the most in the world to us. This holiday was filled with smiles and memories.
On to the next holiday!
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