The fact that 12 years has passed since the day our sweet boy entered this world is insane! Time has flown. This year was a little extra special because there was no chance of having a party last year with COVID and Hensley hasn't seen most of his friends for the past year since school hasn't been in session. This is also the last birthday before he is a teenager! HOW!?!
Hensley's birthday fell in the middle of the week and during spring break this year. We had decided to stay home because Andy was out of town working and our sweet dog Olivia was having surgery.
We gave him most of his gifts from us early the Sunday before so Andy could be present. He was so excited to get his new gaming mouse.
He didn't ask for much this year but what he did want he was really excited to get!
It was an early morning but we always have to take a photo!
He decided he wanted Japanese for dinner (which was no surprise) !
For Hensley his biggest joy this year came from having a big party with all his friends!
He chose to go to Lazer X which we have been too before and they never disappoint. Lazer tag, arcade games, Chick fil A, and tons of fun!
Hensley chose a Glow Party which meant his party room was all black lights and glow sticks! It was really cool!
The kids had a blast and since we had two rooms they could hang out in there alone while they ate without the parents. Which at 12 years old, anything with no parents is a dream!
They played several games of lazer tag and played the lazer maze!
He is officially taller then me!
A few days later the last of the gifts arrived from Mom and Dad. He got a new gaming chair and a new extra monitor! He was in gaming heaven!
Every year on his birthday I snap a pic of him sleeping. I am always shocked by how much his face changes from year to year. This year was by far one of the biggest changes! It's so hard to see him grow up and become closer to an age where I know he will go off on his own journey. But I always try to remind myself just how thankful and blessed I am to have a son who is growing and thriving in life. He is healthy and so smart. His personality is so unique and his sense of humor is one like no other. I like to think he and I have a very special close relationship and even as he grows older I pray it will always stay that way. This year has been one of growth for sure. He has changed in so many ways. He is going through all the typical pre teen things where he likes to be around friends more then parents. He hangs out a lot on his computer and doing things he enjoys like gaming and drawing. He loves anime and anything Japanese. He says he will live in Japan one day which terrifies me to think of him that far away. He has braces and his own style. He loves collecting shoes and playing soccer and basketball. His heart is so big and his love for animals has only grown bigger as he has grown older. The compassion and empathy he has for other is one of my favorite things about him. Don't get me wrong, he is moody and likes everything a certain way. He doesn't compromise easily and every once in a while I see his little anger streak. He is bossy and shy at times but he is the best cuddler and never let's a day go by without giving me a hug! He is, as he has always been, my beautiful boy!