How is it possible that I have had a whole decade with this kid.
This weekend we celebrate 10 whole years with Hensley!
Read all about our trips to Great Wolf Lodge and Harlem Globetrotters trips here!
Hensley's birthday wasn't on Easter this year for once! Thank goodness! It always makes it a lot more hectic trying to plan a party during a holiday weekend!
This year he wanted to switch it up and have his party at a new place!
He chose Lazer X in Burlington!
We have been to several parties there over the years of friends but never had our own!
Hensley actually wanted cake this year!! He has never been a big fan of it, but after having Oreo cake at a friend's birthday last year he had to have his own this year!
We had chips, fruit salad and Chic-fil-A nuggets to munch on! All of Hensley's favorites!
No Fortnite party is complete without "Shield Potion"!!
Hensley's friends were all really excited to play lazer tag!!

Time for a break in between lazer tag games to play some arcade games and EAT!
Hensley could have played Pacman the entire time! It's his favorite by far!
After more lazer tag it was time for presents, cake and ice cream!
This giant present really had everyone wondering what was inside! It was, of course, from my his Granny and Pawpaw.
It was filled with 10 balloons and a card! The wad of cash inside was a shock to Hensley. He and my mom had a running joke for over a month that every time she asked him what he wanted for his birthday he would say "Money Granny, anything from $1 to $100"
She gave him a stack of 100 one dollar bills!
He got some amazing and thoughtful gifts from his friends. Lots of Fortnite gear and Xbox giftcards!
He was truly blessed to be surround by so many family and friends who love him!
We spent the rest of the afternoon playing basketball outside in the beautiful weather with his bestie Aden!

I can not get over how fast he is growing up.
Daddy and I had a few presents for him we saved for when he got home!
He will never really understand just how much he brings to my life. How much I pray for him. How much seeing him happy and smiling lights up my world. He will forever be my baby and I will forever be proud to be his Mommy.
Happy 10th birthday sweet boy!