Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Lazy 5 Ranch (Fall Break 2018)

Two years ago we ventured off to Lazy 5 Ranch in Mooresville, NC.
We went on our fall break from school with several other friends and parents from our school. 
It was a blast and we vowed to come back soon!

This year, we came back! 
Fall is the perfect time to visit this little gem of a place and even though a hurricane was coming our way later that week we decided to take the trip anyway.

There is a nice little walk through area of smaller animals at the entrance. We used our time before the wagon ride to walk through the petting area and explore. 

My sweet friend took this photo and it really reminded me just how quickly is growing. He is almost as tall as me! 

Feeding the sheep and goats! 

The camels are behind more of any enclosure. They can be a bit aggressive and even bite on occasion. We visited them anyway :) I think they just need more love!

 They have tons of really cool birds there as well.

 Hensley is always one to seek out the smallest animal, the one getting knocked out the way of getting any food. He lured this little one away from the rest so he could get some extra treats!
I love his sweet heart!

The kangaroos were really laid back! They are not typically an animals you see at most petting zoos and it was really neat to see just how big they were! 

A little game of checkers! Jack was new to our school this year and Hensley just really enjoys him! He is sweet kid and Hensley has talked about him nonstop since the first day of school. He loves his younger brother Luke too :) 

There was a pumpkin patch and corn bin for the kids to play in too since it was near Halloween. The kids could have played in there all day!!!

Finally it was time for our wagon tour! 
This is the best part of the trip! The animals have no fear and are happy to come right up to people. They have learned people means food! For the most part they are all pretty friendly. 

We were not allowed to feed these guys. We could throw food on the ground for them but they could not eat out of our hands because they had a history of climbing onto the wagons and with their large horns they can get stuck in the rails. 

It was really crazy to see how massive their horns are. All I could think of was how heavy they must be to hold up all day!

This guy was the best. He was never full and always had that tongue out! 

The zebras were another one that we could throw food too but not feed directly. They tend to bite as well and can get aggressive with each other over food. 
They were really beautiful though!

Hensley loved these little guys, and I was happy to see the pigs!!!!

Food was not important enough for these water buffalo to come out of their water hole!

One of the highlights of the trip is always the giraffes! It is super fun feeding them and seeing their enormous size!!!!

The bottom fell out on the way back from the wagon ride. It started raining and it was not letting up. Luckily we were under a lot of trees and we headed to the shelter to have lunch! The rain stopped shortly after we got to the shelter (of course) and we decided to let the kids stay a while and play on the playground!

Lazy 5 is just one of those places you go to get outside and enjoy the day. It's always a very relaxing visit where the kids can just run around have fun!