Friday, August 17, 2018

Growing our first Garden!

Early on in the Spring I knew I wanted to start a small garden with Hensley.
We had never planted one before and we both be learning together. 
I knew he would love to help and watch it grow.

We started off by deciding what we would plant!
We wanted to pick out things we would like to eat and that were a little easier to maintain since we were newbies!

We decided to plant:

Since we started a little early, when it was still chilly outside over night and a threat of some frost here and there, we decided to germinate our seeds inside to get them started. 
I looked into several different ways to germinate and thought the wet paper towel method might be the easiest. 

We separated our seeds and laid each of the types on a wet paper towel.  


Wetting the paper towels


Hensley was really fascinated to see how all the seeds looked so different!

We labeled each bag and hung them in the window that get the most afternoon light. Hoping they would sprout and not dry out or mildew.

After a few weeks of checking on them, it was time to transfer them to small soil pods.
We were both really excited to see they actually sprouted!!!

 These were out carrots seeds. I didn't think they looked too good. I probably should have researched if they do well with paper towel germination. However, we decided to plant them anyway and see how it went!

It was only a few days before the sprouts shot up!

About a week after podding the seeds!

 Soon we felt the chance of an over frost as passed and it was time to plant them outside. 
We went back and forth on whether to till up the ground to make a mound garden or to do a traditional box garden in our yard. 

We figured since we were first time gardeners and we knew there would several times we would be gone on vacation over the summer, a box garden might work better as far as having less weeding to do.

Andy and Hensley worked hard on making it perfect!!

We placed the box on the side of house that gets lots of morning sun but lots of evening shade. We worried the afternoon sun may burn up the plants so this seemed like the best choice!

After a few weeks in the ground it really started looking like a real garden!

My dad also brought us our first tomato plant!!!

The garden was off and running in no time!

Our poor corn sort of stalled out and never regained it strength. We believe since it was a box garden and the dirt was only so deep, it couldn't properly root and grow to it's fullest. 

Flowers EVERYWHERE means lots of vegetables to come!

Before we knew it.....

It was time for our first HARVEST!!!

Seeing this garden grow from little seeds in a packet to actual vegetables was really great! Hensley loved the whole experience and we learned some valuable lessons along the way. 
Next year we plan to do a box garden as well as till a spot for vegetables who need more room for root growth. Everything did in fact grow though, except for the carrots. I don't believe they are right for paper towel germination. We will try again next year!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sweet Summer Time 2018

Summer time is always a welcome time! 
No School. 
No schedule. 
Sleeping in. 
Pool days.
Hanging out in the sun all day.

Our summer always starts out a little early because of Hensley's school schedule. 
They release right before Memorial day each year. However, with the early release there is an early date to go back to the grind. So, we try to squeeze in as much as we can in those 8 weeks.

I am trying to instill the love of reading in Hensley this summer. I have asked him to read for 20 minutes every day. We shall see how long it lasts!

One of Hensley's favorite things to do is visit the skate park. He loves to take his skate board and scooter out to the park and give me a heart attack!!! He gets braver and braver each time!

We took Ellie for her first time too!

We also celebrated Andy's birthday on May 27th! Pizza, beer and Coldstone ice cream!!

Hensley's soccer season finished up and we are excited for the Fall season!

We had big plans to learn a skill or about a new culture each week this summer. It may have only lasted one week (mom fail) but it was super fun to learn about origami!

Shopping trips this summer sure were more fun!

Many many years ago after we moved into our house (can't believe we have been here 10 years already!) we found this little turtle. We put a little blue spot of paint on his shell to see if he ever came back. Every year since then he makes an appearance. Always around the same time of the year. We were headed out the door to dinner one evening and there he was! With his little blue spot!

With Ellie around this summer.....there was no shortage of naps! 

Lots of pool days with friends!!!!!

Some how my boy grew up this summer.

This is what Stampy thinks about how hot it's been this summer.

There were several nights where Hensley and I just hung out outside, blowing bubbles and catching lighting bugs!

This summer we decided to tackle a little project we had been putting off! We needed to rebuild the side deck on our house. The old one was literally falling down and it was too small for our needs!

Our little helpers at the lumber yard!
This was the before when we had already removed the rails. It was old and way too small. We also wanted to change it so that it went directly into the back yard. That way the dogs could come outside and go into the back without worrying about them getting loose when going from the door to the gate.

It took us three LONG days but we got it done.
 We have never built anything like this before and after doing this I think we can rebuild the front deck a lot easier! 

That ragged looking walkway was the next to go!

 No after picture yet, we aren't quite done but it's going to look amazing! Stay tuned!

Hensley was excited to try something new this summer. A camp! He wasn't ready for an overnight camp or even an all day camp so we decided to take it slow. They were hosting a basketball camp at his school and he loves basketball! Two of his friends decided to join him which made him even more comfortable. It was a three day half day camp. The camp was run by some really amazing men! They didn't just run drills and learn about the game of basketball. They learned a lot about being responsible and being a team player. They prayed together and learned very valuable lessons.

He did a great job and had fun! I am hopeful that next summer he will want to participate in more summer camps!

Basketball camp buddies!

We took a little day date to Rockin' Jump to get some energy out with Hensley's friends Aden!

We stopped by Toy's R Us since it was their last official day open. It was a sad sight!

The best part of this day for me was watching these two kids experience massage chairs for the first time. It wasn't quite what they expected!

Hensley had been asking to go to a local arcade/amusement park in our area called Celebration Station. They have tons of games, putt putt, and go carts.

Hensley loves a claw machine and this one blew his mind!

And he has always picked a stuffed animal over any other prize for all his tickets!

Olivia living her best life in the early morning shade!

My new favorite picture of these two! I love watching how much they love each other.

When its 90 degrees everyday with crazy humidity, you really time time to enjoy the early mornings when it's not too hot! Hensley and Stampy getting in some play time!

The summer mornings are the best. It's quiet and the dogs always join me while I soak it all in.

July 15th was National Ice Cream day. We had to celebrate!!! The small town near us has a great ice cream shop called Maple View Creamery. They organized a great downtown event for national ice cream day. There were games, music, balloon animals and tons of ice cream!
My mom joined us!!

We had a great time. We ate lunch at the best little pizza place and walked around the town looking in all the little shops!

A few pool days with Granny are always fun!

 Hensley and I found this super cool science experiment where you can turn some common household products into a geode!
You can find it here!

You only need hot water, borax and a pipe cleaner!
And a little patience!

 It worked!!!!! We plan on trying this again with a few different styles of pipe cleaners! We also only left this in over night but apparently the longer you leave it the bigger it will be.

Of course we took a million cute pictures of Ellie!

Hensley loved helping me in the yard this summer. We grew beautiful flowers and even stared a garden! More about that in a later blog! 

My dad gave me my first tomato plant! It's coming along well!

Our first pick!

This summer was really so fun. We stayed busy and also had so many relaxing days just loving each other! I read a little quote online several months said you only get 18 summers with your kids (if that) before they are off on their own. 18! That's not many! Make every one count!