Summer ended quickly this year.
Back to school on July 24th.
Open house this year was a huge success! Hensley got the teacher he wanted, Mrs. Johnson, and had a classroom full of really awesome kids!
He has been hoping for Mrs. Johnson since last year. She was new to Clover Garden last year and Hensley really enjoyed her! She is an incredible teacher who really connected to the kids! She is kind and fun and she also teaches science, Hensley's favorite subject.
This year Hensley's school is focusing on being a HERO. This represents characteristics and actions they take to show they are a HERO or someone who should be looked up to. They were encouraged during open house to stop at the HERO bulletin board and pick out a characteristic that they felt expressed who they were! I was so happy to see Hensley pick out the word "extraordinary".
There was also a scavenger hunt during open house where the kids found certain places in the school and took photos with it. It was a super fun way to get reacquainted with the school and have some fun! It was also a great activity to distract the kids who had nerves lurking about the start about school.
We had a great time at open house and are looking forward to the new school year!

Austin knows how to relax!!!!

Hensley loved watching people go down the biggest slide at the park. Dare Devil's Drop was very intimidating and he didn't want to attempt to go down it this time....maybe next time!
His favorite park of the park was the wave pool! he and his friends stayed here most of the day!
All the boys had a blast and we are going to get passes ourselves next year! It was a great day!!!
Summer break ended with a bang! However we will not say summer is over! We still have weekends and a week long break in August to have a ton of fun!!!!
The last few days were spent relaxing, shopping for school supplies and finally getting Hensley's hair cut!!! He went all summer without a hair cut!!!!
Each year I fill out Hensley's back to school board. I let him write his name across the top because I love to see how his little signature changes over the years!
First day of school went great! He was excited and made a new friend. He seems so excited for this year and I'm so happy he is in a place where he feels so safe and loved!
Open house this year was a huge success! Hensley got the teacher he wanted, Mrs. Johnson, and had a classroom full of really awesome kids!
He has been hoping for Mrs. Johnson since last year. She was new to Clover Garden last year and Hensley really enjoyed her! She is an incredible teacher who really connected to the kids! She is kind and fun and she also teaches science, Hensley's favorite subject.
This year Hensley's school is focusing on being a HERO. This represents characteristics and actions they take to show they are a HERO or someone who should be looked up to. They were encouraged during open house to stop at the HERO bulletin board and pick out a characteristic that they felt expressed who they were! I was so happy to see Hensley pick out the word "extraordinary".
There was also a scavenger hunt during open house where the kids found certain places in the school and took photos with it. It was a super fun way to get reacquainted with the school and have some fun! It was also a great activity to distract the kids who had nerves lurking about the start about school.
We had a great time at open house and are looking forward to the new school year!
During open house we were invited by our friends to take a trip to Wet n' Wild water park the next day. They had some passes and were going for one last trip of the summer!
Hensley was thrilled!!!
It was a perfect day! Hot! Not crowded! Tons of fun!

Hensley was pretty excited to see that he was tall enough to ride every single ride!!!
The lazy river wasn't too lazy with these two!Austin knows how to relax!!!!

Hensley loved watching people go down the biggest slide at the park. Dare Devil's Drop was very intimidating and he didn't want to attempt to go down it this time....maybe next time!
His favorite park of the park was the wave pool! he and his friends stayed here most of the day!
All the boys had a blast and we are going to get passes ourselves next year! It was a great day!!!
Summer break ended with a bang! However we will not say summer is over! We still have weekends and a week long break in August to have a ton of fun!!!!
The last few days were spent relaxing, shopping for school supplies and finally getting Hensley's hair cut!!! He went all summer without a hair cut!!!!
Each year I fill out Hensley's back to school board. I let him write his name across the top because I love to see how his little signature changes over the years!
Getting all his rest before the big day!!!
First day of school went great! He was excited and made a new friend. He seems so excited for this year and I'm so happy he is in a place where he feels so safe and loved!
Of course the first day of school always makes me reminisce about just how big he is getting. Time flies by!
I know he is going to be excel this year as he always does. I pray he finds friends who lift him up and love him. I pray his teacher is patient and kind. I pray he learns so many new things!