Ok...so over the past four months blogging has been a little slow to say the least because we have just been so darn busy! But now we have officially survived and settled in to the first week of preschool and I am making up for lost time :)
This is our last year at Wee Shine preschool and it is so bittersweet! After this year a new adventure begins for us and for our little Hensley....but....we aren't going to focus on that right now because that makes me sad!
The first week is behind us now and it was a little (aka A LOT) of an adjustment. We not only had to get adjusted to preschool 4 mornings a week instead of 2 but also to baseball and practicing twice a week with double headers every Saturday for the next 6 weeks.
Here's the week in review :)
Monday was Labor Day! And my Mom's birthday! Andy was off which rocked :) We had lunch at her favorite Mexican place and I failed to take any photos! BOOOO! But we also had a little outside time with our favorite little neighbor, Nate :) This was the end result of outside fun time.......
We also had baseball practice that evening and we left to head home with this beautiful sunset.
Tuesday was the first day of school! Hensley was very excited. I wasn't sure if once he was there it would all go down hill but he did awesome! He was so excited about his new backpack and lunch box and shoes and new friends ...the list goes on and on.
Then we got to school...and I got sad! Luckily Hensley was super excited!
This is how I spent my morning....lounging!
This little guy had some free time hopping around today while the dogs were outside. He took full advantage!
I had to bring my boy a treat for being so brave and happy to go back to school!
Day one went so well and he looked so so cute I decided to take a few pics on day two as well :)
The rest of the week was spent settling in and getting bed time routines set up. Friday was our day off from school and we spent it lounging and we hit up a late evening open gymnastics session because Hensley has been going through withdrawals. For dinner we met Daddy out and came home to all cuddle :) Plus we had baseball at 9AM on Saturday!
It was our first games and also a double header. We tied 10-10 the first game and lost 9-6 the second game. Hensley was playing with his new lighter bat and new left handed glove and it made so much of a big difference in the way he played! We are very proud of little number 5 :)
We hit up Lowes on the way home got Andy a new grill and grilled steaks for dinner ;) It was a fun weekend! It was also Grandparents Day on Sunday. Hensley made cards for all his many grandparents :)
Sunday looked a lot like this.......

Gearing up for next week!!!