Halloween 2012 was amazing! This was the first year that Hensley really "got it". He knew what it was all about and he was EXCITED! It took three trips to Party City for Hensley to decide that he wanted to be a NINJA! The mommy in me wanted him to pick out something a little more cuddly and sweet since it felt like this was his last year as my little baby but, as most three years old's, he had a mind of his own. In the end I was glad he picked it out himself because he was insanely proud to wear it and show it off to everyone :)
We did a little pre-Halloween partying on Monday with our friends from down the street Nathan and Sherrie. Nathan had a big Halloween bash at his preschool with lots of games, a bonfire, snowcones, bouncy houses, candy, and live music! It was THE BEST trunk or treat I have ever been too! It was so fun!!!
trying to ring that bell! |
caught this out of the corner of my eye.... nate and Hensely holding hands waiting for a game :) |
He got to wear it to school for the annual Fall Festival event they hold each year. It is filled with games, candy, friends, and fun. He was much more comfortable this year then in years past. He zipped around to every game playing with his friends and racking up on candy. It's so great to look back from our first year there at the Fall Festival when we didn't know any one and both of us were a little unsure. We have made so many connections and friends at Wee Shine. It just feels like home when we are there. It's great to have that time where the whole school comes together to celebrate and we get to see and visit with parents and kids that are in other classes. Our friends Danielle and Rylie as well as Ella and her parents ate lunch with us. It was great to catch up with them and chat :)

Halloween day was just Hensley and I (Andy's been working out of town for several weeks now). We went shopping at TJ MAXX and had lunch at Stamey's. I love days where it's just us two and nothing to do but exactly what we want to do. Those laid back days where we are in no hurry with no where to be. After a quick nap we were off to visit my dad and show off the ninja costume and then to meet up with our friends Jenn, Jason, Sakia, and baby Jemma to trick or treat.
PawPaw Floyd and Hensley |
A few pre Trick or Treating photos:
Just being a Ninja :) |
This year Hensley was so excited. He understood the reason for the celebration. He was on a mission to get CANDY! And he was with his friends. I was left in the dust! It was bittersweet to see him so grown this year and so independent from years past. I was happy to see him flourishing and advancing but at the same time I missed carrying him around walking to the door with him and having him stay so close like the last three Halloweens.
We ended the night with more candy then we could carry, a glow stick and some McDonalds. At home we snuggled in bed. Ate too much candy. And slept as close as we could get :)
Halloween 2012 ROCKED!!