Saturday, August 11, 2012

High Five for Friday!!!

The weeks seem to be flying by! 2012 is more then half way over!! We had a pretty relaxed week since the theme of this week seems to be RAIN RAIN and MORE RAIN :/ It has really put a damper on our pool time :/

1. We decided to put our house up for sale this week and we are praying it goes well. We have been here for 4 1/2 years now and we want to move somewhere with more land and closer to Hensley's school and ball teams. We found the PERFECT house for sale but it went under contract this week! BUMMER. We are just trying to focus on making our house as "sellable" as possible.

2. Speaking of Hensley's ball team, it's already time to sign up for fall tee ball this weekend. I am so excited and I hope Hensley is a little more comfortable on the field this year. Andy will not be coaching this time around so he is looking forward to coming to the games and just enjoying watching Hensley play :)

Still Practicing hard :) 

3. As I said it's been raining here all week :/ which has made for some fun indoor playtime and fort building as well movie watching cuddle time :) One storm got pretty scary. It was so loud Hensley had to hold his ears!!!

Hensley watching the storm!
Insane clouds


Hensley's holding his ears from the LOUD thunder 

4. Did my third diaper cake this past week for a family friend and I it turned out PRONOMINAL!

5. If you know me you know my office is usually a WRECK! Like seriously a tornado to could through it and it wouldnt look as bad as it normally does!! BUT....this week it became CLEAN! I organized and made it look amazing and I'm pretty proud of myself! However...the cleaning up stage was the first in many for this little nook...its about to undergo a MAJOR change. Stay tuned :)

Friday, August 10, 2012

A Rainy Tuesday

It's a rainy Tuesday here so I figured what better thing to do on this lazy day then to catch up on the blog??!!

I seriously just felt like Hensley got out of school for the summer and here I sit looking online at new shoes and lunch boxes for him to start back in a few weeks. Where did the summer go?!

Saturday we took Hensley fishing over the weekend for the first time and it was so fun :) We went to Hagan Stone Park in Pleasant Garden and went and bought him his very own pole :) After a stop for a few snack and some worms we were on our way!

Hensley thoroughly enjoyed it even though the whole "leave the worm in the water" didn't work out so well. He was having way more fun throwing it out and rolling it back in as fast as he could to throw it out again! Needless to say....we didn't even catch one fish! But it was totally fun and we are looking forward to taking him again soon :)

On Sunday we went out to breakfast which is a rare thing for us and went to visit Hensley's Paw Paw and Granny. We all decided to load up and hit up a MASSIVE flea market 30 minutes away. It was alot of fun and a great experience for Hensley. He loved looking at all the new and different things. All we ended up buying was some produce and we made it back to the car just before the rain came! :)  On the way home we passed Tanger Outlets, so.......that was impossible to pass up! :)

We visited a few store until we came upon..... THE COACH OUTLET!!!! AHHHH!!! HEAVEN!!!!!!
Whats better then visiting the Coach Outlet you may ask??? The answer to that would be walking in and finding a lady handing you a 30 percent off coupon and letting you know most of the store is an additional 40 percent off! I think I had a mini heart attack! Poor Andy was dragged through that store 15 times before I made up my mind! My birthday is in a two weeks so I took full advantage :) He has now won the best husband award and I have the most beautiful purse ever :)

How we weren't ready for a nap at this point I'll never know but we had promised Hensley a trip to a friends pool on Sunday who has a diving board. They won't him jump off the one at the community pool and it's probably pure torture for him. WE HAD A BLAST! If he jumped off the diving board once he jumped 100 times. It was quiet (we were the only ones there), it was cool out, and it was just the perfect family time :)

                                      Totally fun weekend :) SO hate to see summer leave :/

Saturday, August 4, 2012

High Five for Friday 8.3.12

Hello Friday! Nice to see you again! :) This week actually felt like it FLEW by!! This summer is quickly  coming to a close and its so sad because its been GREAT but at the same time am more then ready for some relief to this insane heat of near 100 degrees everyday!!

1. Watching the London Olypmics this summer has been one of the best memories for me because Hensley has absolutely LOVED it. He is really into sports but alot of these are not the common every week sports you see on TV. So far he has been totally into the diving, swimming and gymnastics which he calls the magic show :) Its really been awesome to curl up in the evenings and spend time doing something a little different :)

2. I got new shades and new jeans this week! And both are pretty awesome :)

3. It is officially my birthday month! WHOOP WHOOP! :) we are planing a trip to lazy 5 ranch the weekend of my birthday :)  I can't wait!

4. Andy, Hensley, my mom and myself went to dinner this week to Red Lobster and we had an amazing time. It was so nice to sit back, relax, and enjoy each other :)

5. My bestie was out of town for 5 freaking days last week and it was NOT fun :/ I totally missed our talks and seeing her :/ So while she was out enjoying her 5 year anniversary and living it up I was home going through withdrawals :( BOO! But....SHE'S BACK!!!! :) and she brought me the most thoughtful gift ever :) I love her :)

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                                                       Now it's time for the weekend :)