Hensley's due date was April 1st and the entire time I was pregnant I totally believed he would come early! Well come the morning of March 31st I thought...."Maybe NOT!". That morning Andy was not in town and neither was my dad so I was secretly hoping today would not be THE DAY. I had just finished chatting with a few of my friends who dont live close by anymore about how things were going with the pregnancy and my anxious arrival of our little boy when I started to feel...a different kind of pain! Toward the end of pregnancy everything hurts but this was a very different feeling. I was around 10 am and I though to myself if these pains are still around in 30 minutes I'll call my mom. I had had a lot of pains the week before that but they never lasted too long. Well, I never made it 30 minutes. The pain got so bad I called my mom at 10:15.
Now if you know my mom she is very.....hmmmmm...what's the word.....theatrical :) And I mean that in the best possible way! To say she was very excited to meet her grandson would be a major understatement!!! It took her all of 30 seconds to get to my house and off we went. I had went the hospital once before thinking it was time and was promptly sent home! So this time I wasn't sure I would be staying but low in behold I was in labor and dilated 3 cm. This was very very scary to me considering I knew Andy would not be in town until 7 PM at the earliest! I called all my family and friends who had also been awaiting little Hensley's arrival for months. Beside my mom being there Andy's aunt Cathy was there my grandparents who I am insanely close with, my cousin Brandon, and my good friend Jill was there who had offered to take pictures of the labor and delivery for me. We have been friends since 6th grade :)
I was so grateful for all them who kept me calm, made me laugh, held my hands and kept me company that day.
I prayed very hard that day that Hensley would wait til his daddy could be there. My labor was not bad i got an epidural early on and another one at 4pm but by 7:30 it had wore off and the nurses said I was very close to pushing so I was denied another epidural. So "technically" I gave birth naturally :)
Andy arrived at the hospital at 8:15 pm ....10 hours after I went into labor. Even though I know he got there as fast as possible I was a little sad that he had missed the whole day. But was so thankful he was there for the important part! around 9:00 pm I felt an insane need to push and everyone was asked to leave the room except those who were staying for the birth which was my grandma, Andy and Jill. I only pushed for 15 minutes before Hensley took his firsts breath at 9:23 on March 31st 2009. It was an amazing experience and as soon as I seen his face I burst into tears. The only thing I remember at that time was his precious face and my grandma leaning and saying "He's perfect!". (which she still thinks to this day! ) :)
Those next few days were hard recovery wise and getting use to a new baby. I could just stare at him in awe of him for hours. He was and still is an amazing person who taught me how to love, how to be patient, how to be kind. He is the air in my lungs, the joy in my heart and the pain my side.... KIDDING :) He is everything to us. Hensley Cole Whitt is our miracle on that day and everyday after that!
after epidural :)
the most amazing moment of my life
proud daddy and dr.
our sweet Hensley Cole
our boy :)
the best feeling ever :)
our beautiful boy
my mom falling deeper and deeper in love